
developed by Neotenia

[gfycat data_id="InfantileGiantGrassspider"][gfycat data_id="HairyMealyEquestrian"][gfycat data_id="CoordinatedFarflungBlackwidowspider"][gfycat data_id="InsecureShamefulAmericanmarten"][gfycat data_id="GloriousOfficialAndeancockoftherock"]

“A puzzle game based on a triangular grid. The characters, called Trimoebas, are triangular unicellular animals undertaking the building of the first multicellular beings, traveling through the evolution. The Trimoebas bear functional properties on their sides, such glue to build, explosive to dig and hooks to climb, but these properties work only if the Trimoebas are correctly rotated: you will have to move on the right path and make the Trimoebas overstep each other to complete the mission.”

I really like hand-drawn art and googly eyes, so this looks interesting although I haven’t had a chance to play it yet (boo work).  It’s just released on Steam and you can check it out from the link below.

[Buy on Steam]

volvox game

via Steam key sent by developer