Day by Day

developed by Maxi and the Gang

[gfycat data_id="ScaredFrailArmedcrab"][gfycat data_id="ZigzagWideChimneyswift"][gfycat data_id="MeaslyQuarrelsomeGalapagosmockingbird"]

A short story about a dog’s life after its owner leaves to go to war, and the deterioration of the town around it.  Day by Day was made for Ludum Dare 34, so it’s a bit buggy and unpolished, but I liked the experience.  It should take less than 10 minutes to complete, and might leave you thinking for a while.

“Thousands of men are enlisted to the great war. This is not a story about them, this is a story about those who are waiting for their return.”

[Download on Ludum Dare]

via Alpha Beta Gamer

Also some of the gifs were made using a playthrough on the Alpha Beta Gamer Youtube channel.