Mobs, Inc.

developed by Pietro FerrantelliTheophile LoaecOrik, & Augustin Grassien

[gfycat data_id="FemaleRipeBlackfootedferret"][gfycat data_id="WeightyBlushingHornedviper"][gfycat data_id="LateHandyCopperhead"]

“Mobs, Inc. is hiring new employees ! The dungeon the company has been taking care of has become so attractive that too many adventurers are visiting it every day.

“Become one of these new employee hired to maintain a constant challenge for these adventurers. If you’re doing your job quite well, the CEO might give you a promotion and enhance you with some new powerful skills.”

This was made for Ludum Dare 33.  It has really simple controls, and you can play it for free below.

[Play on]

via Games We Care About

I used some footage from Thet’s Play to make the gifs.