
developed by Daniel Linssen  |  Platform: Windows

[gfycat data_id="MealyDearestGosling"][gfycat data_id="TalkativeWeepyBlobfish"][gfycat data_id="CarefreeLikableDipper"]

A vampire hunting puzzle platformer where you can fire stakes into the sides of the game window, locking them into place or pulling them towards you, in order to overcome various obstacles.  This was made for Ludum Dare 35, the theme being shapeshift.

I apologize for the glitches (flashes) in the gifs.  My computer, the game, and the recording software just wouldn’t make peace.  Sorry. >.<

[Download on]

In certain parts of the expedition, the game window travels around the screen, which I thought was a neat little trick.  Playing over my twitter feed below. :)

[gfycat data_id="CanineTallEkaltadeta"][gfycat data_id=""]
