Unraveled: Tale of the Shipbreaker’s Daughter

developed by RosePortal Games.  

“An adventure RPG, driven by the story of a little girl whose family has gone missing at a ship breaking yard. Based on real events, Unraveled takes you through a child’s imagination as she seeks out her parents.”


“On the little girl’s journey, her plush doll comes to life as a monstrously cute creature that aids her on her quest! However, as she traverses through the ship, the rotting environment takes its toll on the doll and he slowly starts unraveling…”


The game is heavily influenced by “The Wire Nest”, a documentary about the extremely poor living and working conditions of the people in the ship breaking yards in Mumbai, India.  There’s a small collection of videos and info on the living conditions here, if you’re interested in learning more.


Illustration by Chris McColgan.

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I made a little teaser post yesterday, which has a couple extra images.