Beast Socket

A cute little pixel art adventure that I’ve been following for a short while on twitter.  I decided to put together a collection of some of the gifs that they’ve posted over the last year as it really is a cool project with lots of neat details like the grass blowing in the wind and the beautiful water.  I guess the salamander is okay too.

The main focus of the game seems like it will be exploring the quaint town and interacting with its citizens in order to further the story.  Also included will be a splash of platforming, puzzle solving, and maybe the ability to throw balls of yarn at people.  There was a mention of cooperative play but I’m not certain if that is still on the table as things do tend to change and it was brought up a while ago.

I think we can all agree writing is not my strong suit so rather than listening to me any further if you would like to learn more you can follow the developer Rujik on twitter or check out their blog below. 🙃

Visit the Blog

Platforms: TBA
Release: TBA