Category: Notification

Octocurio on a podcast

Hey!  So I was a guest on a gaming podcast by Tomasz Niemiec where we shared our thoughts on indie games, curation, and how Octocurio got started.  If you’d like to hear me go through the five stages of fright (deer in headlights —-> rambling rhino) then have a listen below. 🙃  The podcast is in English but the intro is in Polish.

In the podcast I actually blanked on how the octopus came about, in case you were interested in a little back story… I was stuck for a long while thinking of a name for my gamedev studio, and while driving by a rum shop (bar/pub) I saw a giant sign advertising pickled seacat (seacat = octopus here) and a light bulb went off.  That’s how Pickled Sea Cat came about.  When I later created an indie game website I stuck with the octopus theme for the avatar and then for the name, an octopus in charge of curios (curious objects).

The back of the shop with the name is in the picture below but after some years it’s almost completely overgrown and you can barely see anything. 🙈

Listen to Podcast

We’re back!

Sorry that the site has been quiet for so long but life hit me with a hammer. Thanks for all the support and anyone who has stuck around! Looks like things should be uninterrupted, but it might take me a little while to spool up my hidden gem finding abilities. I decided to change the name as Screenshot Daily was a bit of a misleading descriptor. Unfortunately because of that I lost my old tumblr name and someone quickly took the opportunity to use it to spam, so if you happened to be following that RSS my apologies (tumblr followers would be unaffected).

On that note the RSS has changed, so please subscribe to it here if you haven’t.

If anything is broken or you have any questions feel free! Now back to the good stuff.

Taking a two week break

Well things aren’t too good with my neck/back.  I have to wear a neck brace for a while, and I need to reduce my time on the computer for a bit.  So, I’m not going to update the site until Monday, June 6th.  This really annoys me but hopefully it will be the last time. :(

In the meantime, at least a lot of cool things to show off will be accumulating.  See you then!

Was on a short break building a new PC


It was a long weekend here so I took a bit of a break from posting to put together a new PC (still have to mount the hard drives).  It’s quite the upgrade from my potato laptop so gif making should be a lot faster.   The case is old so I took it over to my Dad to be repainted because of the rust.

All the wires leading to the front corroded away, so he made a wire coming out of the back with a temporary makeshift power switch.  Of course, since I’m super lazy I’m probably not going to take it back over to get a proper one done.  >.<

It works!

Should be back to posting tomorrow, once nothing explodes.  =)

new year

Happy New Year!  I didn’t think many people would be around today, so no real posts.  I decided to steal a gif from Mazeon, who you should definitely give a follow if you like pixel art.

Thanks for all the support over the last year.  My blog doesn’t exist without awesome game devs and I’m hoping that we’ll keep improving together in 2016.

Stay safe everyone!

Going on a small hiatus

Hey everyone, I messed up my neck a bit and I’ve been trying to soldier through to get posts up, but it’s been a struggle and starting to stress me out a little (getting stuff out everyday).  So I’ve decided it’s better to just take a complete break to get everything settled and then come back when I can focus properly without nagging pain.

I’ve decided to take out two weeks, and hopefully by then everything should be good to go, or at a stage where it’s not a problem at least.

Really sorry for the inconvenience (I really hate having to do this), but hopefully I’ll be able to make it back up with super cool stuff when I get back.

So, I’m setting September 15th as my return date, and I’ll start putting stuff back up at that time (I hope!).

Here are some other cool websites/tumblrs you can check out while I’m gone.

Apologies! >.<