Death’s Gambit 

by White Rabbit (Jean Canellas & Alex Kubodera)

A 2D action RPG with gameplay inspired by Demon’s Souls, and huge boss encounters like those in Shadow of the Colossus.  "Become the agent of death, and rid this world of immortals.“

I don’t usually reblog, but I saw this on PixelArtus before it popped up at my usual source, and I would pretty much be using the same GIFS (except that duplicated slashing one, gggrrrrr…must…control…OCD).  So, thanks to them. :)

The trailer was recently released, which contains a lot more pretties.  You can keep up to date on Death’s Gambit on their Tumblr.

The poster for Death’s Gambit was done by kaisinelwho has done some other really awesome stuff (another example below).  Definitely take a peek at the art on their blog.
