Lost Soul Aside

developed by Bing Yang  |  Platforms: Unannounced

[gfycat data_id="PoshCelebratedAfricanmolesnake"][gfycat data_id="SereneSpryDodo"][gfycat data_id="TatteredWatchfulFiddlercrab"][gfycat data_id="DeepLateBorzoi"][gfycat data_id="HeavyShyBluebottle"]

“An action game with fantasy art style, something like combining Final Fantasy with Ninja Gaiden.”

It’s been under construction in the Unreal engine for around two years after the developer was inspired by the Final Fantasy XV trailer.  The trailer for Lost Soul Aside is a bit long but worth a watch (more cool stuff).  You can follow the progress over on Twitter.

lost soul aside

Some older character concept art (the design has changed a bit since then, but it looks great)

via /r/gamedev