Sofus and the Moonmachine

created by Lars Malte Burup Jelshoj |  Platform: iOS

[gfycat data_id="SoftScarceChihuahua"][gfycat data_id="OrnateMixedDorking"][gfycat data_id="SaltyPointlessHornet"]

An interactive book that just released on iOS.  I think the art is great and I also like merging of mediums. =)

“An adventurous tale of friendship and crazy robots. Explore the magical forest planet together with Sofus, the little gnorf.  

“Build a spaceship and help Sofus on his dangerous journey to the Moonmachine. Escape the prison of the robot king and survive the Rusty Sea. Find your way through the pipe labyrinth together with the one-wheeled robot Zum-Zum. Repair the heart of the Moonmachine so daylight will shine once more.”

[Download on iTunes]  |  [Visit the Website]

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