Tag: adventure

You Shouldn’t Be Here…

The trailer for Edge of Nowhere came out today, thought this scene made for a cool cinemagraph (no pun intended :p).

It’s a third person adventure being made by Insomniac (Sunset Overdrive, Ratchet and Clank) for the Oculus Rift, though the trailer looks a bit horror-ish.  You can see the trailer here.

Just a heads up, I’ll probably make a few posts from E3 trailers/gameplay if anything cool shows up, like The Last Guardian (IT COULD HAPPEN), or to make gifs like this.  I usually only post non indie games like once a month (Bloodborne, Battlefront), but I’ll make an exception next week since there might be a lot of pretties that I want to make gifs of.

So if you’re not into that kind of thing bear with me for a few days.  :)  There will still be indie games as usual.

Of course I might have to work the entire time, so don’t expect anything.

Avenging Angel 

developed by Dark Amber Softworks

[gfycat data_id="MajesticBestFox"]avenging angel 3avenging angel 4[gfycat data_id="KindImportantFoal"]avenging angel roboavenging angel 2[gfycat data_id="SparklingUnlawfulBug"]

A story driven steampunk FPS and adventure game which released on Early Access today.

“You are an Associate of the Inventors Guild dropped on an island in the Atlantic Ocean on a routine maintenance job. As you venture through the island, it becomes clear that there is nothing remotely routine about this mission, as you are pulled into the web of international, as well as metaphysical, conflict. Decipher forbidden history, learn about forgotten tragedy, and in the end, answer the question of all questions: “What is existence?”

[Purchase on Steam Early Access]  |  [Download the Demo]

via /r/gamedev

Unraveled: Tale of the Shipbreaker’s Daughter

developed by RosePortal Games.  

“An adventure RPG, driven by the story of a little girl whose family has gone missing at a ship breaking yard. Based on real events, Unraveled takes you through a child’s imagination as she seeks out her parents.”


“On the little girl’s journey, her plush doll comes to life as a monstrously cute creature that aids her on her quest! However, as she traverses through the ship, the rotting environment takes its toll on the doll and he slowly starts unraveling…”


The game is heavily influenced by “The Wire Nest”, a documentary about the extremely poor living and working conditions of the people in the ship breaking yards in Mumbai, India.  There’s a small collection of videos and info on the living conditions here, if you’re interested in learning more.


Illustration by Chris McColgan.

[Back on Kickstarter]  |  [Follow on Steam]

I made a little teaser post yesterday, which has a couple extra images.


developed by Thunder Lotus Games.  

“An action-exploration game for PC and Mac that takes you on an epic journey through Viking purgatory. 

In Jotun, you play Thora, a Norse warrior who has died an inglorious death and must face the challenges of Viking purgatory to prove herself to the Gods and enter Valhalla.”

Seems like a hand drawn Titan Souls, which could be really interesting.  A new trailer came out recently which you can watch here.

via /r/gamedev

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developed by Triple Eh.  

An action and puzzle adventure.

“You play the part of a young child, lost in the depths of a mysterious castle that’s part museum, part death trap. Explore more than 300 rooms, solve physical puzzles, bring ancient machinery to life, and uncover hidden areas as you work your way safely outside.” 

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