Tag: sci fi

Verne: The Shape of Fantasy

“A pixel art narrative experience based on the life and works of Jules Verne, which merges exploration, puzzles and interactive dialogues with the imagery of one of the most famous science fiction and adventure writer.

“Jules Verne has been trapped in a parallel world, built from the writer’s own imagination and filled with adventures, dangers and lots of fantasy. Aboard the mythical Nautilus and back to back with captain Nemo and his faithful crew, you will face a merciless enemy who wants to wipe out imagination and creativity from Hemera… and from Verne himself.”

Visit the Website

Platforms: Windows, Mac
Release: 2021

D.E.E.P. Battle Of Jove

“An epic, fast, arcade-type campaign-based dogfighter that aims to take next-gen graphics & controls to achieve an experience that gamers have known since Star Fox: an easy to pick-up single player shooter where players chose from different ships they can upgrade as they take the role of one of the members of the rebellion in a fight against a power, deep AI.

“Shake off enemies tailing you by doing a loop, maneuver thru giant space constructs near Jupiter or rocky corridors planet-side, use your homing missles to target the next enemy while speeding past your ally mothership.”

Wishlist on Steam

Platorms: Windows
Release: TBA

Orange Cast

“As humanity’s elite space trooper, you take on a heroic, action-packed adventure throughout the galaxy.  Explore planets, protect colonies, and be the first to meet the unknown!  Dive into the original story inspired by James S.A. Corey’s The Expanse series…”

Wishlist on Steam

Platforms: Windows, Xbox, PS4
Release July 23, 2020


“A sci-fi thriller uncovering what happened to Dr. Emma Fisher, and the crew of her mission, through the lens of the station’s artificial intelligence S.A.M.  Players assume the role of S.A.M. by operating the station’s control systems, cameras, and tools to assist Emma in discovering what is happening to the station, the vanished crew, and S.A.M. himself.

“Blending narrative adventure, puzzles, exploration, and cosmic existential horror, uncover the true nature of yourself, your crew, and the mysterious always-present hexagon on Saturn…”

Buy on Steam

Platforms: Windows, PS4
Release: May 21, 2019

Despot’s Game

“A turn-based roguelike, an epic battle simulator, unexpected cultural references and an atmosphere of despotism in the far future.  In this game you need to help a bunch of helpless humans to get out of an insane labyrinth.  By a mysterious architect’s design you will be able to buy all kinds of things to use them as weapons: from an old fridge to a big non-humanoid robot.

“The fight is automatic, but the winner is determined by your decisions. Will it be the humans or the labyrinth’s monsters?  And by the way, keep track of your army’s hunger level: the fighters will have to eat each other, if you don’t stock enough supplies.”

Wishlist on Steam

Platforms: Windows
Release: 2020

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

“An ambitious attempt to modernize an old classic in order to keep its memory alive.  Through detailed research and hard work, the production team tried to expand the experience while keeping the same ‘feel’ and emotional flow of the original masterpiece from 1987.

“The Eternal Castle sends you on a powerful journey packed with dangers and challenges through fast-paced melee action, calibrated ranged attacks, and/or cautious stealth approaches.  Each world features a unique atmosphere, written through different personal and second hand experiences, re-applied to fit a post A.I. fallout world set several hundred years in the future.”

Buy on Steam

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Nintendo Switch
Release: January 5, 2019

The Last Night

“The soul of a cinematic platformer with the heart of a sci-fi thriller, The Last Night is set in a post-cyberpunk world with a deep, vibrant vision of the future.

“Humans first knew the era of survival.  Then they knew the era of work.  Now they live in the era of leisure.  Machines have surpassed human labour not only in strength, but in precision, intellect, and creativity.  The fight for survival doesn’t mean food and water, but a purpose for living.  People now define themselves by what they consume, not what they create.”

I’ve had a bit more time on my hands recently so I decided to edit the trailer because I really liked the music by Lorn but there was only a small snippet of it in the original.  I also tried to make it into a kind of continuous looping story.  Apologies for the stutter at the end but that is up to gfycat, just imagine it being really smooth!   I used footage from the original trailer and the gameplay video.

Check my Instagram/Twitter later tonight for a little bonus edit. :)

Wishlist on Steam

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Linux, Xbox
Release: TBA

In Other Waters

“Play as an Artificial Intelligence guiding a stranded xenobiologist through a beautiful and mysterious alien ocean.  A non-violent sci-fi story, enter a world of wonder, fear and vulnerability, unraveling the history and ecology of an impossible planet.  What will you discover together?”

Buy on Steam

Platforms: Windows, Mac, Nintendo Switch
Release: April 3, 2020

Dark Light

” A Sci-fi action-platformer with unique game-play.  Explore apocalypse cyberpunk world full of supernatural beings.  Encounter and defeat creatures of darkness which are invisible to the naked eye, detected only with the light source of your drone.  Experience the horror and feel their presence as they surround you.”

Wishlist on Steam

Platforms: Windows, Mac
Release: 2020