Tag: screenshotsaturday

Heroes Guard 

developed by 

Under Byte Studios.  

A mobile choose your own adventure game coming to Android and iOS.  Play through various scenarios where your choices, dice rolls, and card selections affect the outcome of your story.

“All of your questing and dungeon plundering days are behind you – but that doesn’t mean the stories of hardships and triumphs need not live on! By filling this journal with your memories you will allow some of your greatest feats… and failures… to live on.

You do remember how your life story went… don’t you?”


developed by Wolfbrew Games, published by Digerati.  

An old school hack and slash with an emphasis on dying in a satisfying horrible manner.   Play as the hero Bathoryn and battle your way through enemies and puzzles in a quest to liberate the seven great towers.

“At the heart of each tower, he must confront a mighty overlord. Defeat it and Bathoryn’s quest continues. Fail, and you’ll die gruesomely – mauled by werewolves, disintegrated by floating monstrosities, squashed by great weights or torn apart by hidden blades.”

via IndieWombat

[Follow on Steam]

Ultimate Chicken Horse 

developed by 

Clever Endeavour Games.  

A party platformer for up to 4 cute animals players, where each has an input on how the level is designed.  Between each round players are given items to modify the layout of the level with barriers and traps.  Naturally, as more rounds pass the crazier the levels get.  Depending on the mode, players run through individually or all at once.  There’s also a single player puzzle mode.  

Everything is much better explained in this video.

[Vote on Greenlight]  |  [Back on Kickstarter]


by Zack Harmon.  

A shmup centred around fighting massive bosses with colourful and detailed pixel art.  Featuring an ancient bat that can transform into various forms to unleash its fury.

“Take down colossal boses, tear apart the world around you, and summon the powers of sound.”

Developed completely solo using GameMaker.  I quite like the music as well, it’s from the band Ace Poison which the developer is a part of.  You can take a listen and download it on Bandcamp here.

The game just came out and I haven’t played it yet, as my internet connection hates me.  :(

[Download on Gamejolt]


by Onion Core.  

A pixel art side scrolling RPG with a focus on exploration.  

“You find yourself on an uncharted island being ravaged by monsters and wild animals.”  Charming.

There’s a lot of emphasis on deep character customization, and creating a character with exactly the look you want (body type/race/gender/accessories etc).  I have to single out the amount of hats.  One can never have too many hats!



developed by DROOL.  

A rhythm game with tense chest-rumbling music and sound effects.

“Thumper combines classic rhythm-action with speed and physicality.  You control a space beetle while careening towards confrontation with an insane giant head from the future.”

I got really taken in by the aesthetic and sound in the trailer, so I decided to treat myself for reaching 500 followers. =)  Which meant pulling out my hair learning GIMP over the weekend. >.<   Though I think it was worth it; in the top GIF I edited out some items on the pathway, so that it would look a bit more endless.

GIFS made from: teaser trailer  |  Crakhead teaser  |  Polygon gameplay video

I did a teaser of it last week that maybe was a bit too obscure, or people didn’t like.  Hopefully not the latter as here it is again!


Little Devil Inside 

by neostream.  

A whimsical and violent RPG adventure.

I suppose I got caught up in the hype storm this caused yesterday.  I didn’t find it on reddit and there’s not much gameplay to show, but I felt compelled to make some GIFs from the trailer.

It seems to have materialized out of nowhere, which has some people wondering if it’s a real thing.  Regardless, we can still enjoy the pretties. :)

[Vote on Greenlight]  |  [Back on Kickstarter]