Argentum Age by Frogatto, Fernando Angelo & Lu/Niko – a collectable card game that uses a strategic board, with deliciously creepy card art.
Category: Uncategorized
Neptune, Have Mercy by Octopodo – a procedurally generated submarine rogue-like. Explore the depths, solving puzzles, upgrading your submarine, avoiding creepy hentai tentacles. Really lovely animations that tumblr hates.
Monster animation high res gif.
Creepy touchy feely tentacles high res gif.
My Only Friend The End by Jared Seeders – a top down procedural rogue-like, where the deeper you go the harder the enemies get. Reminds me of Earthbound, which I absolutely love. My favourite game that I’ve never played. >.<
[Watch this gif and realise that machine gun rockets are a thing]
Winning Streak by The Roaring Snail – make the game of American Football actually interesting to watch (sorry guys!) by controlling a streaker that runs on to the field. Last as long as you can! I couldn’t post any more pics. :( Censored (fuzzy) male booty, but possibly NSFW links below.
project TIGRA by FireVector – an adventure platformer featuring THUNDERCATS, HOOOooo. No. :( But we can still enjoy the awesome art, and cats. Prototype build at the website.
Aspect by Steel Minions – a co-op puzzler where two players have to work together to unlock new islands. Also coming out for PS4 which I think is a first for a game on my blog. :)
Amo by TeamSkyfire – made in one week, a unique abstract puzzle/runner. Place objects with the hand to help guide the hero to his destiny. You can try it out at the website.
Tiny Necromancer by Tobias Helsing – a challenging mobile platformer. I need to get some of that pink into my game.
Going to change the post time to some time in the evening, since I think tumblr is more active then. Was thinking of 7pm EST. Bonus is that you’ll get two posts today. =) Let me know what you think.
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Guild of Dungeoneering by Gambrinous – build a dungeon around your intrepid explorer and hope you don’t kill him in the process.