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developed by Thunder Lotus Games.  

“An action-exploration game for PC and Mac that takes you on an epic journey through Viking purgatory. 

In Jotun, you play Thora, a Norse warrior who has died an inglorious death and must face the challenges of Viking purgatory to prove herself to the Gods and enter Valhalla.”

Seems like a hand drawn Titan Souls, which could be really interesting.  A new trailer came out recently which you can watch here.

via /r/gamedev

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I was doing some GIF/cinemagraph practice.  Not exactly sure where these would fit in, but thought I’d share anyway.

They’re taken from evilmrfrank’s Unreal 4 videos. which are time lapses of him building environments that he usually does over a weekend.  You can see his latest one here.

The movement in the forest scene might be a little hard to see if you’re on a small screen, click to expand, or you can see the higher resolution versions on imgur.

[Higher resolution here]

All the indie game posts from April!  Though, Star Wars Battlefront and Bloodborne managed to sneak in there. >.<

I started learning how to make cinemgraphs (stationary but moving GIFs), you can see my attempts so far here.

You can go through all the April posts here.  I would have liked to list them all out so that you can go directly to what catches your eye, but I didn’t want to have a mega long post.  The GIFs are mostly (mostly!) ordered, with the older posts at the top.

You can see the previous months here.

Never Alone 

developed by Upper One Games.  

I quite enjoyed playing through this recently.  I really liked the atmosphere and the main characters (the story was rather anticlimactic to me), and kind of just wanted to hang out with my fox most of the time.  Hence. I decided to make a bunch of GIFs of us relaxing in various spots.

As you can see, we went to the beach, went swimming, and even had time to go to a musical concert. ;)

I uploaded the higher resolution versions to an imgur album, which makes it a bit easier to see the owls bopping their heads to the music.  

I did a bit of searching to see what kind of Never Alone GIFs were on Tumblr already, and I came across this awesome illustration by Abigail L. Dela Cruz (“hyamei”) which kinda sums up what I like about the game.

You can see her Tumblr here.



developed by Leonard Menchiari, Jendrik Illner, & Simon Michel.  

A ‘riot simulator’ based on historical conflicts in Egypt, Spain, Greece, and Italy.  It includes a level editor which allows players to create and share their own scenarios.  

“As civil crisis deepens and inequality tears the very fabric of society the discontentment of the masses manifests itself in violent public disturbances and civil disorder. Play as the police or the angry horde as RIOT – Civil Unrest places you in some of the world’s most fractious disputes.

RIOT – Civil Unrest presents the player with the opportunity to experience both sides of the fight – a fight in which there really are no winners. Who is right and who is wrong?”

via Trust in Play

[Follow RIOT on Steam]



Battery Jam 

developed by four students from the Savannah College of Art and Design.  

A four player local multiplayer arena game.  Choose from four different characters and battle with your friends.  There are various types of abilities that you can use to try to push your opponents into death traps (such as lava) which are scattered through the stage.

You can get a better sense of the gameplay in this video.

via /r/gamedev

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Circa Infinity 

developed by Kenny Sun.  

A trippy platformer with a circular design.  I’ve been staring at my screen for a while trying to describe the game further, but I can’t. >.<  The second GIF is the intro level, which is probably the easiest to understand, and here is a gameplay video which should help.  Each level slowly introduces a new enemy or gameplay mechanic, which are then combined in later levels/sections creating insanity.  

The demo came out on today and it’s quite fun when things start getting intense.  Though, it’s only the first 10 levels so I suppose it’s quite low on the game’s overall intensity meter.

via /r/gamedev

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An Underwater Embrace 

I played through Never Alone for the first time this week.  It definitely had its share of faults, but there was a lot to like about it.  Overall a good experience with lots of random cute/touching moments like this.  I recorded a bunch of footage and will probably make a collection of GIFs this weekend, but I thought this one deserved its own space.

[Higher Quality version here]